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Topic Descriptions
Visioning: Some Play The Game, Others
Change The Way The Game Is Played
Southwest Airlines changed the way the game is played in the airline industry. They created a new model that focused on low costs, low fares and great customer service. The goal was to expand the size of the pie (market). They hired "attitudes" and developed skill sets. Tradition doesn't always work in any industry. Sometimes you have to flip your model upside down for a fresh look. |

Leadership: Successful Strategies Through Turbulence
Leaders must have a clear and concise vision if they want their organizations to survive and thrive through turbulence. A clear understanding of what business or businesses you are really in is critical. Cultures can then be developed to support the vision and business. Bottom line improvement comes through your people. Howard Putnam has successfully led organizations through the maze following these principles of leadership and will share them with you.

Creating a Culture and Process for Ideas
to Hatch
Innovation and bold steps
occur in organizations that embrace and
foster a climate and culture for risk
taking and idea implementation. Howard
Putnam proved this philosophy works when
he was CEO of Southwest Airlines. He
positioned and organized Southwest for
growth and profitability utilizing a
very flat management structure with
decision making and idea development
imbedded in everyone's job scope and
responsibility. Individuals and teams
were rewarded for risk taking and for
designing out of the box processes and
improvements in productivity, customer
service, cost containment, safety and
profitability. Brands develop when
people thrive in the vision and
experience. In this presentation he will
describe how this can work in your

Change: Transforming
Organizations Successfully & Profitably
Many organizations are out of
alignment in the current turbulent environment.
Their design is outdated with bureaucracy and a
hierarchy that is expensive and inefficient.
Howard Putnam will show you how to transform
your business into a "flow state" organization
that is focused, nimble, flexible, cost
effective and able to utilize the "stages of
turbulence" which he will identify for you to
take advantage of being in a change state.

People and Culture: Hiring
Attitudes & Developing Their Skills
Successful organizations that are in business
for the long term, place their people first if
they want sustained bottom line improvement.
Howard Putnam led the visioning process at
Southwest Airlines in which a key element was
the culture, putting their people first and
matching attitudes with the culture. Happy
employees and superior customer service resulted
from this concept. He will share behind the
scenes looks on how this was accomplished with
great stories, humor and concrete suggestions
for you.

Ethics: The Ultimate
Challenge in Ethics; Are You Really the Person
Your Dog Thinks You Are?
Organizations cannot ignore the need
for proactive efforts to ingrain honesty,
integrity and trust at every level. Today's
environment requires ethical leaders, if they
want their businesses to survive and grow.
Howard Putnam learned the values of trust and
honesty as he grew up on an Iowa farm. He has
embodied those principles in his successful
business career. He took on the challenge of
saving Braniff International only to find the
"books had been cooked" prior to his arrival. He
will share this character building experience of
taking a major airline through Chapter 11
successfully and offer a flight plan for you to
implement in your organization.