Audio Visual Needs
Just as the ambiance in a restaurant enhances the enjoyment of a meal, our room set-up and A/V requests enhance Howard’s program for the ultimate benefit and enjoyment of the audience. Please discuss any changes in the Room and A-V Setup below with us beforehand. We are flexible. Our only concern is to do the best program that we can do for your group. We do not want to cause you additional work, but sometimes just a little extra effort can mean a great deal to the outcome. An ineffective room setup can sabotage the best speech.
1. Audio Visual Materials:
a. Wireless lapel microphone
b. Howard will bring his own laptop PC — his presentation will be on PowerPoint2000 . All you need to provide is a screen (see screen placement below) , a computer projection system (such as an In-Focus, etc.), and the cable to connect the computer projection system.
- For front screen projection, place screen front corner of room.
- For rear screen projection, the screen placement is at your discretion.
2. Staging:
- Small table on stage for props.
- If you’re using a stage , please try to position the first row of seats within three feet of the stage, if possible.
3. Recording:
A/V taping is encouraged. If you’re interested in taping Howard’s presentation, please contact Holli Catchpole in advance at (760) 603-8110.